Unit 6: Grade 12 Computer Engineering - Marketing and Portfolio
With Computer Engineering, one key element of the learning process is showcasing your work by building a portfolio. For this course you have had the opportunity to learn about circuit characteristics, safety, computers, electronics, troubleshooting and maintenance, digital logic, circuit design, building and analysis, networking, programing, and Raspberry Pi projects. To define and showcase steps in a medium that is easy to organize and share, a wiki is a great way to do this and show your best accomplished work, learning, and steps taken to show your process. Creating a portfolio In this method you can easily transport and share with others now and the future, update, and use for future steps in your career directions.
Course Units and Descriptions
Use this table for an overview and navigate to each of the course unit pages.
Unit | Description |
Review course outline for more details | |
1 | Safety & Career - Intro, computers, organization, safety, careers, and custom proposal |
2 | Computers & Components - Electronics, operation, design, troubleshooting, and maintenance |
3 | Digital Logic & Circuits - Binary, boolean, logic gates, counters/register ccts., calculations, design, & build |
4 | Networking & Programming - IP addressing, data routing protocols, services, languages, and concepts |
5 | Hardware Interface & Control - Student designed custom project |
6 | Showcase & Web Portfolio - Testing and presentation |
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Unit 6, Act. 1: Web Portfolio

Class of senior Computer Engineering students are finishing their last projects and will have an opportunity to review and showcase their work, what they learned, and their accomplishments as part of their culminating.

Students are to use their wiki individual design log area to showcase their work accomplished through the SPICE deign process online model. This should start with a summary of major projects and assignments completed. Next you are to select five of your best pieces of work, which are to include the following information:
- Project title and general banner image
- Summary of project (1-3 sentences)
- One image clearly showing your work (approximately 1000 wide x 700 pixels high, in size)
- Major steps taken - use S P I C E model to start points (a total of 5-7 points, equivalent to about a paragraph) to describe the work piece
- Partner name and how they helped, showing your teamwork and peer support (1 sentence)
- Conclusion of what you learned - knowledge, skill, and/or value (1-2 sentences)
- Two related high value supporting links in the form of bullets - either ones used or referenced ones you recommend

Support Information and Resources
The following points will help with your portfolio build
- Review the SPICE model covered earlier in the course and ensure you have a clear understanding of how each of the steps are defined and how they would be applied to each of your projects, big or small
- Review the Wiki Use page for assistance on working with your wiki, and if you have forgotten your password, see instructor for reset
- Select project/assignments that you can showcase and/or highlight your accomplishments and learning
- You may use the following design log portfolio web template to paste into your wiki, which outlines what each project item should include
- Ensure your images are linked or uploaded properly to the wiki, sized with proper size and proportions (to do this use Moodle resize tool when linking, but keep size proportioned or edit them using a photo editing program such as Photoshop to crop and size to about 1000 x 700 pixels in size, then upload) to keep them consistent and easily viewed on the wiki individual design log
- Maximize marks by choosing your five best projects to showcase your learning, accomplishments, and work in the form of SPICE.
- Make sure the evaluation conclusion has new learning shown in the form of knowledge, skills, and/or values
- Have a partner review your site prior for initial feedback and ways it may be improved, things that may be missing, and/or formating

Although there are several ways you can do this, here are the recommend steps to complete your portfolio:

- Start by listing all major projects and work assignments you completed. This can be done by reviewing your marks and/or course work on-line and can be used as your Summary of Major Projects and Assignments in your portfolio design wiki
- Create a related topic banner 2-300 by 700 pixels for your wiki template page
- Use the list above to select your five best pieces of work that highlight and showcase your accomplishments and learning with each, and list in your wiki
- Identify the five major steps (SPICE) you took to complete this project and if you are not complete as of yet, how far in the process are you, and what do you expect in the future steps
- Name your peer supporter and what he/she helped or assisted you with showing your teamwork and collaboration
- Find two related internet links to that project you feel are the best, to support this project and help others in the future
- Go back to step 3 and to finish the next 2 other pieces of work you will be showcasing in your portfolio
- Once finished, have a peer (everyone does only one peer feedback), fill in at the bottom of your page two sentences, one to give a critical practical support point and second, a positive support feedback point, on your portfolio design log
- When done, highlight all your work entered, and save to a word document for backup of information and pictures just in case
This is part of the culminating and will also include hands on projects in class.

Evaluation Breakdown Component Descriptions - each times 5, for each project for total on right | Marks |
Always double check that you have completed all components for full marks. | |
Project Gen - Title, summary, partner / help, learning, and two links | 5 |
Project SPICE - Key steps of project | 15 |
Project image - About 1000 x 700 project image | 5 |
Peer Feedback - Critical support and positive support feedback | 5 |