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Cleaning is to remove all dirt and bits of food that you can see, from dishes, countertops, cutting boards and other food contact surfaces
Cleaning is to remove all dirt and bits of food that you can see, from dishes, countertops, cutting boards and other food contact surfaces
Cleaning is NOT the same as sanitizing
Hand washing is the most important activity you can do to keep from getting sick and/or passing on germs, pathogens, and/or viruses
Bacteria are tiny living things that grow in food which you can not smell or taste
Some bacteria are helpful, while others can cause sickness and are known as pathogens or harmful microbes
If hands are not washed often and thoroughly, microbes can spread directly from one person to another or to food or onto surfaces that are touched such as utensils and other food contact surfaces
A virus is the smallest microbe and is usually spread through unwashed hands.
If you are sick (cold, vomiting or have diarrhea) do not attend food class in the lab/kitchen