Grade 09 Exploring Technologies - Robotic Marks


This is a 6 week rotation mark out of a 18 week full credit course. This mark will be 33.33% of the final mark. The first rotation teacher is responsible for mid-term and final mark reporting. Check below the course code for current date of marks post. In "Student Results" table the entry numbers correspond to the second table below called "Entries". You will notice that some of the entry titles are the same, but are weighted differently based on the achievement categories and project components. See Rotational Course Achievement Breakdown for more information. *Note: You may need to use both external and internal horizontal/vertical scroll bars to view all marks. "---" represents a no-mark, i.e. does not affect the final mark and "Zero" represents an 0 for a project/assignment not yet handed in.

Rotation 1 Mark Breakdown