Date |
Day |
TEJ2O1/P-5A Daily Entry Points (LS=Late
Start) Feb 03 - June 30,
2021-22 |
2022-02-03 |
1 |
Timetable chk, seating, Course HO Rev, HL, & sig.
req with Acrobat Reader DC (ARDC) ! |
2022-02-04 |
1 |
2002 WARP7 video, All about you (AAU) Survey, Tech Intro HO Rev, HL, and peer partners |
2022-02-07 |
2 |
Course outline Due, Web site navigation, virtual res.,
SPICE, Gen Safety PPT HO Rev HL sig |
2022-02-08 |
1 |
AAU Survey Due, RAT kit HO/Rev, Course Outline FB,
Foreperson, Eval Rev, AAU Jam collage |
2022-02-09 |
2 |
Tech Intro HL Due, AAU Survey FB, Digital Org
-virtual, folders, files, & shortcuts-demo to 2-4 |
2022-02-10 |
1 |
Gen Safety Due, Dig Org demo and finish |
2022-02-11 |
2 |
AAU Jam collage Due, eval 1, Journal
intro-Setup&Prep (JSP), Dig Org wrap-up |
2022-02-14 |
1 |
Dig Org Due, Low marks rev, AAU Jam FB, JSP demo and
finish |
2022-02-15 |
2 |
Foreperson responsiblties HL, Career Intro -
selection, rough report topics, research (pt1 of 2) |
2022-02-16 |
1 |
LS, JSP Due, shortcuts FB, Course sel., cont. career research
& rough report (CRR), IS |
2022-02-17 |
2 |
Foreperson due, seats, Locker poll, JSP FB, Prezi Career
- associations, Eng video, CRR |
2022-02-18 |
PD |
PD Day |
2022-02-21 |
H |
Family Day |
2022-02-22 |
1 |
lockers Feb25, Journal entry demo & Foreperson start,
Prezi Career-decisions & video, CRR |
2022-02-23 |
2 |
LS, Journal entry FB, Career
choice, Comp Eng video, CRR recap & finish |
2022-02-24 |
1 |
CRR due, Career PPT (Car-ppt) creation - template,
appearance and info consolidation |
2022-02-25 |
2 |
Locker dist, (bring lock), CRR FB, Car-ppt Rev. and
continue, Rem. - end of week Journal |
2022-02-28 |
1 |
Week Journal FB, Car-ppt recap and finish, PPT order |
2022-03-01 |
2 |
Cppt due, Lock Rem, video on PPT, recap & eval, and student Car-ppt start |
2022-03-02 |
1 |
Car-ppt cont, intro to computers unit, electrical shop |
2022-03-03 |
2 |
Car-ppt cont, computer organization |
2022-03-04 |
1 |
Car-ppt cont, Comp. Teardown/Rebuild (CTR) computer
models Rev and individual assign |
2022-03-07 |
2 |
Sup, Rev Ohms law, Series & Parllel ccts and
Power, copy Series cct note with ARDC |
2022-03-08 |
1 |
Sup, Parallel cct note with Acrobat Reader, Assig.
Comp. model specs research & doc. |
2022-03-09 |
2 |
Recap S&P notes and demo on series cct - update
parallel assign on GC |
2022-03-10 |
1 |
Series cct note due, Car-ppt cont, computer model tag,
pics & sketch layout with labels |
2022-03-11 |
2 |
Parallel cct note due, Series cct note FB, insurance groups, CTR test stations,
testing, doc. |
2022-03-21 |
1 |
Mark FB HO, Comp Sketch due, Car-ppt cont, CTR recap
Step 1 & 2, check points |
2022-03-22 |
2 |
Car-ppt cont, Cont CTR teardown - test station set-up
& initial air clean demo |
2022-03-23 |
1 |
Car-ppt cont, Cont CTR teardown, air safety
recap, tools, air clean & take apart |
2022-03-24 |
2 |
Mark FB Due, Car-ppt cont, Cont CTR teardown, cont.
take apart |
2022-03-25 |
1 |
Car-ppt fin, CTR - air cleaning, dissassembly, &
tracking step checks |
2022-03-28 |
2 |
Sup. Computer Component (CC) rough research report to
start |
2022-03-29 |
1 |
Car-ppt eval!, CC recap, CTR - air cleaning, test,
dissassembly, & tracking checks. |
2022-03-30 |
2 |
CC rough report IS and work time, video on
upgrade/mod old system |
2022-03-31 |
1 |
CC Rough due, CTR component cleaning, pic, re-assemble |
2022-04-01 |
2 |
Car-ppt & CC Rough FB, CC PPT - ppt template,
speaker notes, consolidate & pics |
2022-04-04 |
1 |
CTR component cleaning, pic, re-assemble cont. |
2022-04-05 |
2 |
CC PPT re-assemble cont. |
2022-04-06 |
1 |
CC PPT recap - points and pics cont. & IS |
2022-04-07 |
2 |
CC PPT due, PPT order, Presenting Rev., CTR
re-assemble |
2022-04-08 |
1 |
Credit Rescue details, CTR re-assembly cont. |
2022-04-11 |
2 |
Credit Rescue |
2022-04-12 |
1 |
CTR re-assembly finish. |
2022-04-13 |
2 |
(Parent Eve Int.), Ohms's Power law, Series cct Rev,
Series cct cal 01 |
2022-04-14 |
1 |
SS, (Parent Aft Int.), Series cct recap |
2022-04-15 |
H |
Good Friday |
2022-04-18 |
H |
Easter Monday |
2022-04-19 |
2 |
Series cct due P-Tup, CTR FB, Parallel cct Rev,
Parallel cct cal 01 |
2022-04-20 |
1 |
LS, Credit Rescue |
2022-04-21 |
2 |
Series cct FB, Parallel cct cal 01 recap, IS |
2022-04-22 |
1 |
MARKS, Parallel cct cal 01 due & Ptup, Units of
measure (UoM) S/P UoP cct cal 01, CC PPT's |
2022-04-25 |
2 |
S/P UoM cct cal 01 Rev, CC PPT's |
2022-04-26 |
1 |
S/P UoM cct cal 01 Recap, CC PPT's |
2022-04-27 |
2 |
LS, S/P UoM cct cal 01 due & Ptup, CC PPT's |
2022-04-28 |
1 |
Digital Logic (DL) ccts intro, SPICE, Elect ccts,
symbols, & relay operation PPT-s8, CC PPT's |
2022-04-29 |
2 |
Logic gates SPICE Rev, Elec. motor cct & DL equivlant
- (LGScct) sheet, CC PPTs |
2022-05-02 |
1 |
LGScct recap, Logosoft App & operation, Gate
operation, sample DL cct & demo |
2022-05-03 |
2 |
Sup, Logic Gate sheet finish, MENTAL WELLNESS FAIR |
2022-05-04 |
1 |
LogoSoft (LogoS) Shortcut on GC, CC PPTs, Logic Gate
sheet recap, IS |
2022-05-05 |
2 |
Logic Gate sheet due & Ptup and Rev |
2022-05-06 |
1 |
LogoSoft DL For/Rev motor cct (DL-F/R-m-cct) |
2022-05-09 |
2 |
DL-F/R-m-cct recap & finish, CC PPTs |
2022-05-10 |
1 |
DL-F/R-m-cct due & Ptup, DL Automatic Door System
(DL-ADS) |
2022-05-11 |
2 |
DL timers, DL-ADS operation, timing,& limit
switches, IS CC PPTs |
2022-05-12 |
1 |
Sup, DL-ADS cont |
2022-05-13 |
2 |
Sup, DL-ADS Due, Intro to Tetrix, Micro-Controllers
(TMC) Rev |
2022-05-16 |
1 |
CC PPT FB, DL-ADS Ptup, TMC Rev cont. |
2022-05-17 |
2 |
Tetrix kit intro, Micro-Controllers Rev recap |
2022-05-18 |
1 |
LS, TMC due Ptup &
corrections |
2022-05-19 |
2 |
Tetrix kit inventory, Partners, Test station build,
batteries, virt-TinkerCAD (V-TC) equ |
2022-05-20 |
1 |
Activity 1-5 overview, Tetrix kit - match test build
and inventory finish, V-TC-1 |
2022-05-23 |
H |
Victoria Day |
2022-05-24 |
2 |
Act 1 hello world overview, software, com ports,
Tetrix kit inventory cont. |
2022-05-25 |
1 |
Tetrix kit inventory finish, Activities 1-5, - Act 1 Hello World |
2022-05-26 |
2 |
Tetrix kit inventory due, Activity 1 LED-V, custom
prog.(4) - report assigned |
2022-05-27 |
1 |
Act2 DC Motors-V & Servo, ArdB pref, Report-title
page, proj's, cust code, learning, conclusion |
2022-05-30 |
2 |
No journal entry, Custom code reporting details,
Activties cont. (field trip) |
2022-05-31 |
1 |
Custom code reporting details recap, Activities cont. |
2022-06-01 |
2 |
Act4 Line Finder sensor and programming, demo
completed custom codes, report to fill |
2022-06-02 |
1 |
Act5 Ultrasonic sensor and programming, cont. demo's,
and report to fill |
2022-06-03 |
2 |
Tetrix custom programming cont. |
2022-06-06 |
1 |
Tetrix custom programming and testing cont. |
2022-06-07 |
2 |
Culminating overview, Tetrix Act 1-5 Report recap,
-partner assist., overview Codee bot build |
2022-06-08 |
1 |
Codee Bot build start Rev, partner support |
2022-06-09 |
2 |
Activity Report due, Codee Bot build cont, Codee Act
7-15 coding, and report Intro |
2022-06-10 |
1 |
Codee Bot due, Act 7 video demo, test, custom, demo
& report |
2022-06-13 |
2 |
No journal reporting (done), Codee Bot, Act 8 video
demo, test, custom, demo & report |
2022-06-14 |
1 |
Codee Bot, Act 9 video demo, test, custom, demo &
report |
2022-06-15 |
2 |
LS, Codee Bot, Act 10 video demo, test, custom, demo &
report |
2022-06-16 |
1 |
Codee Bot Report due, Culminating Portfolio Report -
learning, 3 projects, and concl. Rev/Start |
2022-06-17 |
2 |
Portfolio cont |
2022-06-20 |
1 |
Portfolio cont |
2022-06-21 |
2 |
Portfolio recap and finish, term work if done. |
2022-06-22 |
1 |
LS, Culminating Portfolio due, next few days, marks, term work |
2022-06-23 |
2 |
Last day of class, locker clean-out, check marks, term
work wrap-up, Virtual Credit Rescue(V-CR) |
2022-06-24 |
1 |
Att. taken beg. of period for all students
virtually,V-CR |
2022-06-27 |
2 |
Att. taken beg. of period for all students
virtually,V-CR |
2022-06-28 |
1 |
2022-06-29 |
2 |
Commencement 2022 12-2pm |
2022-06-30 |
1 |